Saturday, 11 August 2012
Friday, 10 August 2012
ইন্টারনেটের গতি বৃদ্ধি করার বিভিন্ন উপায়ের মধ্যে ১০টি গুরূত্বপূর্ন উপায়: ✦
১) প্রথমে সফল ভাবে আপনি যে সংযোগটি ব্যবহার করেন, সেটি দিয়ে ইন্টারনেটে যুক্ত হোন।
এখন ঠিকানা থেকে আপনার বর্তমান ইন্টারনেটের গতি দেখে আসুন কিংবা আপনার পরিচিত কোন সাইট থেকে নিদৃষ্ট পরিমান সাইজের কোন ফাইল নামান। এটি হতে পারে 1MB এবং একই সাথে কত সময় লাগে ফাইলটি ডাউনলোড হতে তা লক্ষ করুন।
স্পিড দেখুন…
২)এবার কানেকশনটি Disconnect করে দিয়ে মডেম/ডিভাইসটি লাগানো অবস্থায় আপনি আপনার কম্পিউটারের Run এ গিয়ে লিখুন compmgmt.msc এবং কিবোর্ড থেকে Enter চাপ দিন। অথবা My Computer এর উপর Right Click করে Manage অপশনটি ক্লিক করুন। কম্পিউটার Management চালু হবে।
এবার বামে থাকা Device Manager ক্লিক করলে ডানে আপনি আপনার কম্পিউটারের ডিভাইসগুলোর লিষ্ট দেখতে পারবেন। এখান থেকে Ports(Com & Lpt) আইকনের বা’দিকের (+) চিন্হটিতে ক্লিক করুন। আপনার কম্পিউটারে সংযুক্ত সকল ডিভাইসের কমিউনিকেশনের পোর্ট দেখতে পাবেন। এখান থেকে Communications Port এর উপর ডবল Click করুন।
Properties Open হবে।
এখান থেকে Port Settings ট্যfবটিতে যেয়ে Bit per Second ক্লিক করে সর্বোচ্চ মান (128000) সিলেক্ট করুন। Data Bits সর্বোচ্চ (8) এবং Advance অপশনে যেয়ে রিসিভ এবং ট্রানেসফার বাফার High দেয়া আছে কি’না লক্ষ করুন।
৩) একই উপায়ে Communications Port এর নীচে থাকা আপনার মডেমটি যদি Show করে তবে সেটির ক্ষেত্রেও Port Settings ট্যfবটিতে যেয়ে Bit per Second ক্লিক করে সর্বোচ্চ মান (128000) সিলেক্ট করুন। Data Bits সর্বোচ্চ (8) এবং Advance অপশনে যেয়ে রিসিভ এবং ট্রানেসফার বাফার High দেয়া আছে কি’না লক্ষ করুন।
৪) Run > compmgmt.msc > Computer Management থুলে আপনার Modems অপশনটিতে ডবল ক্লিক করে Properties এ যান এবং Port Settings ট্যfবটিতে যেয়ে Bit per Second ক্লিক করে সর্বোচ্চ মান (128000) সিলেক্ট করুন। (অবশ্যই মডেমটি লাগানো ও ডিসকানেক্ট করা অবস্থায়)
৫) প্রতিবার ইন্টারনেটে যুক্ত হওয়ার পূর্বে Control Panel থেকে Network Connection এ যেয়ে আপনার কানেকশনটিতে ডবল ক্লিক করে Properties অপশনটিতে গিয়ে Configure অপশনটি ক্লিক করুন এবং Maximum Speed সর্বোচ্চ রয়েছে কি’না দেখুন।
না থাকলে সর্বোচ্চ মান (921600) ঠিক করে দু’বার Ok করুন। তবে অবশ্যই কানেকশনটি Disconnect করে দিয়ে মডেম/ডিভাইসটি লাগানো অবস্থায়।
৬) বারবার ৫ নং টিপসটি অবলম্বনের বিরম্বনা এড়াতে ‘Network Connection’ এ যেয়ে আপনার কানেকশনটির একটি Shortcut লিংক তৈরি করে Desktop এ রেখে দিন এবং পরবর্তিতে শর্টকাট ব্যবহার করে ইন্টারনেটে যুক্ত হোন।
*** গোপন টিপসঃ
৭) ইন্টারনেটে যুক্ত থাকা অবস্থায় Run > taskmgr > Ok করে অথবা Ctrl+Alt+Delete চেপে টাস্ক ম্যানেজার ওপেন করুন।
সেখানের Application ট্যাব থেকে আপনার নেটওয়ার্ক কানেকশনের Application –টিতে Right/ডান ক্লিক করে Go To Process –এ যান। Process ট্যাবে নেটওয়ার্ক কানেকশনের Application-টির প্রসেস দেখাবে।
উক্ত Process এর উপরে Right Click করে Set Priority থেকে ‘AboveNormal’ সিলেক্ট করে দিন।
৮) ইন্টারনেটে যুক্ত থাকা অবস্থায় একই প্রক্রিয়ায় টাস্ক ম্যানেজার ওপেন করুন।
সেখানের Application ট্যাব থেকে আপনার ইন্টারনেট ব্রাউজার Application (যেমন Mozilla Firefox) –টিতে Right ক্লিক করে Go To Process –এ যান। Process ট্যাবে ইন্টারনেট ব্রাউজার Application-টির প্রসেস দেখাবে।
উক্ত Process এর উপরে Right Click করে ‘Set Priority’ থেকে ‘High’ সিলেক্ট করে দিন।
৯) ৭ এবং ৮ নং –এ বর্নিত কাজ প্রত্যেক বার Application চালু করার পরে করতে হবে।
কেননা Application বন্ধ করলে উক্ত সেটিংস পরিবর্তন হয়ে যায়।
এছাড়া অতিরিক্ত গতির আশায় Priority রিয়েল টাইমে দিবেন না। এতে করে আপনার কম্পিউটারে প্রসেসরের উপরে অতিরিক্ত চাপের সৃষ্টি হয় এবং কিছু সময় পরে আপনার কম্পিউটার রিষ্টার্ট নিতে পারে।
১০) এখন পূনরায় প্রথম পদ্ধতি অনুসরন করে দেখুন যে আপনার কম্পিউটারের গতি পূর্বাপেক্ষা বেড়েছে কি’না।
এখন এতটুকুই। পোষ্টটি ভালো লাগলে/মন্দ লাগলে/সমস্যা থাকলে জানাবেন। ভালো লাগলে অনুপ্রেরনা দিতে ভুলবেন না।
সকলে ভালো থাকবেন এই কামনায় আজকের মত আল্লাহ্হাফেয।
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Free, full length movies are abundant on the Web; that is, if you know where to look. Lots of websites promise free films, but I've sorted through it all to show you the top ten very best sites that will deliver great video right to your desktop.
1. Hulu
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Hulu is the first place I go online when I want to find quality multimedia. They've got a good selection of movies here, and they are all easy to find with good organization.
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2. Surf The Channel
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Surf The Channel has literally hundreds of movies; keep in mind that since all these movies are links to other sites, not all of the movies will work. However, out of five movies I randomly picked to test this site, all of them worked with no problems at all.
Visit Surf the ChannelRead Review
"free full length movies at IMDB"
IMDB, also known as the Internet Movie Database, has added free full length movies and TV shows to its already large and informative site. As of this writing (August 2011), there were only about one hundred movies available; however, they are all hosted on the site and in good quality.
More about IMDBRead Review
4. Joost
"free full length movies at Joost"
Joost makes it very easy for you to view movies on the Web - just click to their film section and you're pretty much all set. Nicely organized by category and each movie is in very high quality.
Visit JoostRead Review
5. Babelgum
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Babelgum has plenty of great movies; however, you're going to have to do a little bit of sleuthing in order to find them. Your best bet? Go straight to the Channels page and look to the right - you'll see a whole list of really interesting subjects that you can then click on and find movies you might be interested in.
Visit BabelgumRead Review
6. Google Video
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Movies at Google Video can be found simply by going to the Advanced Search and changing the drop-down "Duration" menu to "longer than twenty minutes"; you can further refine your search parameters to find a particular movie you are interested in.
Visit Google VideoRead Review
7. Freetube
"free full length movies at freetube"
Freetube is quite different from the rest of the sites profiled in this list. Instead of individual movies, Freetube offers streaming channels from which you can watch a free full length movie: it's just not certain what you're going to get! Channels offered are The Movie Channel, Free Classics, the Mystery Channel, and quite a few more. All movies are in reasonably good quality; my only beef is that there should be some kind of viewing schedule available.
Visit FreetubeRead Review
8. OVGuide
OVGuide is a multimedia search engine that scours the Web for high-quality videos, movies, TV shows, and films. OVGuide connects to more than 3000 movie and video sites, organizing content into an easy to use multimedia directory.
Visit OVGuideRead Review
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9. Public Domain Torrents
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Public Domain Torrents offers up nearly 1000 free, full-length movies that are completely free and legal to download to your computer; in other words, once you download them, they're all yours. These are all movies that have fallen out of copyright and therefore are now in the public domain. Each movie offers more than one way to download (many offer several options), so you're sure to find one that works for you.
Visit Public Domain TorrentsRead Review
10. Internet Archive: Moving Image Archive
"free full length movies at the internet archive"
The Internet Archive is a truly fascinating repository of all sorts of really high quality movies; you can find anything from historical films to open source movies here.
1. Hulu
"free full length movies at hulu"
Hulu is the first place I go online when I want to find quality multimedia. They've got a good selection of movies here, and they are all easy to find with good organization.
Christian Bible Lessons?Connect w/ People Having Similar Beliefs. See Our Books,
Night Watch DvdAvailable on DVD with free shipping Specialists in cult, horror +
Movies of 2011Find 2011 Movies, Reviews, photos Win free Movie Tickets
2. Surf The Channel
"surf the channel free full length movies"
Surf The Channel has literally hundreds of movies; keep in mind that since all these movies are links to other sites, not all of the movies will work. However, out of five movies I randomly picked to test this site, all of them worked with no problems at all.
Visit Surf the ChannelRead Review
"free full length movies at IMDB"
IMDB, also known as the Internet Movie Database, has added free full length movies and TV shows to its already large and informative site. As of this writing (August 2011), there were only about one hundred movies available; however, they are all hosted on the site and in good quality.
More about IMDBRead Review
4. Joost
"free full length movies at Joost"
Joost makes it very easy for you to view movies on the Web - just click to their film section and you're pretty much all set. Nicely organized by category and each movie is in very high quality.
Visit JoostRead Review
5. Babelgum
"free full length movies at babelgum"
Babelgum has plenty of great movies; however, you're going to have to do a little bit of sleuthing in order to find them. Your best bet? Go straight to the Channels page and look to the right - you'll see a whole list of really interesting subjects that you can then click on and find movies you might be interested in.
Visit BabelgumRead Review
6. Google Video
"free full length movies at google video"
Movies at Google Video can be found simply by going to the Advanced Search and changing the drop-down "Duration" menu to "longer than twenty minutes"; you can further refine your search parameters to find a particular movie you are interested in.
Visit Google VideoRead Review
7. Freetube
"free full length movies at freetube"
Freetube is quite different from the rest of the sites profiled in this list. Instead of individual movies, Freetube offers streaming channels from which you can watch a free full length movie: it's just not certain what you're going to get! Channels offered are The Movie Channel, Free Classics, the Mystery Channel, and quite a few more. All movies are in reasonably good quality; my only beef is that there should be some kind of viewing schedule available.
Visit FreetubeRead Review
8. OVGuide
OVGuide is a multimedia search engine that scours the Web for high-quality videos, movies, TV shows, and films. OVGuide connects to more than 3000 movie and video sites, organizing content into an easy to use multimedia directory.
Visit OVGuideRead Review
Sponsored Links
Cheap Outdoor Theater KitAffordable Backyard Movie Screens Huge Discount on Inflatable
Latest Hollywood MoviesSee The Ratings of Latest Movies On Desimartini. Read and Write
9. Public Domain Torrents
"free full length movies at public domain torrents"
Public Domain Torrents offers up nearly 1000 free, full-length movies that are completely free and legal to download to your computer; in other words, once you download them, they're all yours. These are all movies that have fallen out of copyright and therefore are now in the public domain. Each movie offers more than one way to download (many offer several options), so you're sure to find one that works for you.
Visit Public Domain TorrentsRead Review
10. Internet Archive: Moving Image Archive
"free full length movies at the internet archive"
The Internet Archive is a truly fascinating repository of all sorts of really high quality movies; you can find anything from historical films to open source movies here.
Saturday, 4 August 2012
Learning JavaScript tutorial – JavaScript for (loop) Statement
JavaScript for loop is on of the most commonly used loop statement which provides a looping construct that is often more convenient than the while loop statement. JavaScript for loop statement allows you to repeat a section of code a certain number of times; changing values of variable counter by increment or decrement it each time the code is executed.
JavaScript for loop is the most compact form of looping which includes for loop initialization, for loop test case statement, and loop control statement all in one line. The JavaScript for loop statement initialise variable counter at the start of the execution of the loop. Then it checks if the expression evaluates to true, then only for loop statement execute the body of the loop; means the piece of code between the curly brackets and change the value of variable counter by increment or decrement it. For loop perform some action on a piece of code till the test case condition statement is satisfied or evaluate true.
JavaScript for loop statement Syntax
for (loop initialization, loop test case statement, loop control statement)
statement block executed while conditional expression
evaluates to true(satisfied).
statement block executed while conditional expression
evaluates to true(satisfied).
Here, If the resulting value of test case conditional expression is true or it is evaluated true, for loop execute statement block enclosed within the Curly braces – {} and new value of variable counter is calculated.
for loop statement flowchart
JavaScript for loop statement example
<script type="text/javascript">
for (var iCount=0;iCount<5;iCount++)
document.write("iCount is – "+ iCount +"<br />");
for (var iCount=0;iCount<5;iCount++)
document.write("iCount is – "+ iCount +"<br />");
We have created a local loop variable (var iCount=0;) ‘iCount’ and assigns it an initial value of 0. This initial value is used to define starting point for the loop. Then we evaluate the loop conditional statement (iCount<5;). If it is ‘true’ loop body get executed. Execution of the loop takes place till the loop conditional statement is satisfied i.e. it evaluates ‘true’. The last statement in the for loop set (iCount++) determines the rate at which the local variable value eighter increment or decrement.
In the above example we have defined, for loop local veriable iCount=0 and instruct loop to execute till it is less then 5; at the end of each loop iteration we are going to increment it by 1. Based on this scenario the loop is getting executed 5 times and gives us output as shown in figure below:
for loop statement output
How I can Hibernate Windows XP
Hibernate (Hibernation) is a feature of Windows XP operating systems where the contents and programs that were running on the OS keep as it is, while Windows XP goes to the state of inactivity. When your Windows XP hibernates, it stores whatever it has in memory (the contents of RAM) on the hard disk and the shut down. When the computer is restarted it comes out of hibernation and reloads the content of memory which wrote on the hard disk to returns to its previous state.
To use Hibernate feature first of all we need to enable hibernation support on Windows XP. You must be an administrator or a member of the Administrators or Power Users group. If your computer is connected to a network, network policy settings may prevent this procedure.
Steps to enable hibernation support on Windows XP
- Open Control Panel – Click Start, click Control Panel, (Start > Run or Window + r then type ‘control’), and then click Power Options.
- Click the Hibernate tab, and then select the Enable hibernate support check box. If the Hibernate tab is not available, your hardware does not support this feature.
- Click OK to close the Power Options dialog box. Now we are ready with the Hibernate (Hibernation) feature of Windows XP.
Hibernate Windows XP
- Click on "Start" and navigate to "Turn off computer".
- You will see the Shut Down dialog box with three options–Stand By, Turn Off or Restart.
- Press and hold the Shift key. "Stand By" option will switch to "Hibernate".
- Click the Hibernate button, then Windows XP go into Hibernation mode and your system will shut down.
Online Business – an idea which can deliver a wealth!
Today, we are living in a global village. This is because of the internet… internet is not other than a network of networks which allows us to get in touch with each other in a fraction of second. Internet acts as a house of information and opens door for new business ideas. Success stories of Google, Facebook, eBay or Amazon empower us with the power of Online Business. Here we are going to discuss how to implement a strategy to start a new online business with your creative idea.
Working on Idea
Idea shows your intention; what you intend to do. It’s an output of burning desire, interest or like. So first hear the sound of inner sole. Suppose you are interested in cooking, cooking is you passion; then without any doughty you can manage a cooking related blog and work hard to make it popular. So first find out your interest, idea then to work on it. Let be updated with the latest news so that you can test your idea against the market requirements. You can tune yourself with Meltwater News Feed to track the happening in the current online market. Now, it’s time to do your homework to represent your idea!
Build your Idea
You are ready with you idea. It’s now time to build a website, a platform which will help to represent your idea to the large web audience in pretty well structured way. You can go for a free blogging service like blogger; but I like to prefer own domain. Owning a domain builds trust as well as helps a lot for branding the Idea. Do some research; find out a good hosting service which fulfill your need. Go with a good site layout and represent your idea. If you are not much good with designing and technical stuff, just take help of an expert to do it all for you. Do not west your time because you have to concentrate on your goal… your business idea! Then how to get more information… just search your queries, keep an eye on latest industry happening and news related to your niche.
Promote you Idea
Traffic is the key factor for each & every online business. Search engine and Social media site are the good mean of promote your idea. Being social is quite simple do the social media monitoring. You need to do some search engine marketing so you can reach to large web audience with the help of popular search engine like Google, Yahoo! or bing; which helps you to drive traffic to your website to promote your idea, your product.
Now, its time start working on your idea! So let start working…
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